
Pollution Prevention P2 By EPA

Of the pollution prevention is to reduce or eliminate waste at the source by modifying production processes and encourage the use of non-toxic or less toxic techniques and the implementation of conservation and reuse of materials rather than bring in the waste stream. Given that the policy of pollution prevention into the activities of EPA national environmental protection has developed a program for the prevention of the pollution of the strategic plan (2010-2014). A number of partnership programs and of other initiatives the EPA uses the method of pollution prevention in their work. Get background on the pollution prevention information.

Where you live-local and regional contact information and assistance in the prevention of pollution.

Grants and funding - provides information on matching funds from State programs and tribes to support P2 activities across environmental media and State programs.

Laws and policies - a brief explanation, with links to more information on the prevention of pollution Act of 1990 and following of policy.

Partnerships-EPA efforts to promote sustainable and less polluting business practices and processes and safe products through voluntary partnerships.

Strengthening of the technical assistance services, case studies and assistance to help companies and Government agencies on pollution prevention programs.

Tools-databases, case studies, measuring results, and online calculators.

Publications-sources of technical data sheets, case studies, documents, brochures and posters on P2. You can request documents from the Clearinghouse preventing pollution


Pollution can affect the Weather

Not all scientists agree on the weather, such as Hurricane Mitch caused by pollution. There is no for sure. Those that say that pollution affects weather conditions causing the hot air pollution that cause changes in time. Scientists generally recognize local standards, say around the city, where the contamination affects precipitation, makes them more vulnerable to the rain on the weekend.

One of the scientists involved is Randall Cerveny of Arizona State University who conducted the study. Justin case your Internet connection down, here is the text:

"The study indicates weekly Hurricane rainfall related to pollution of the coast is"

You are returned to work Monday and affected weather? Display the weather itself, but can be controlled by the weekly calendar and even the powerful Atlantic hurricanes may feel the punch of the work week, according to a study by two researchers from the University of Arizona, which appears in the journal nature.

A study of some fundamental datasets in a manner never tried before the climate scientists at Arizona State University Randall Cerveny and Robert baling, evidence finds the son of suspicion of many weekends secret Boater: rain is more likely to occur along the Atlantic coast over the weekend, the weather is more likely to be better Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. The culprit more obvious is the effect of the 'natural' clouds created by massive drift from the coast, which follows a weekly cycle is also well defined.

Gray, stink cloud of pollution has a lien glittery, however. While pollution for more rain during the weekend, it reduces the intensity of hurricanes that struck this weekend, seems also weekend tornadoes tend to be much smaller than, say, storms Tuesday.

Cerveny said hurricanes are major storms that we have on the planet, in terms of energy and the rain "."And what we discovered that we have. It's a little tricky when you start thinking about it. »

The study compared three different series of daily data on monoxide, carbon and ozone measures Cervenywebaling of Canadian monitoring station on Sable Island off the coast of Nova Scotia, data, satellite of the Atlantic ocean, hurricanes in the Atlantic precipitation databases coastal measurements. In each case, when Arizona State University examined two scientific data by day of the week, found significant differences between days and similar patterns of variation, with clear differences between the debut and weekends. And all three sets of seven-day cycle of climate data.

He said the bullets ' human week is normal, period. '' "The human influence on the climate is the only explanation."

"If you go out of boats in the Atlantic, you will get wet if weakened," Cerveny said. "We suggest that this is probably related to pollution.

Study of precipitation in the Atlantic ocean, they have not found, no daily change by looking at the ocean in a whole, but the model of the wave sine difference visible only in coastal areas, with the average rainfall daily Thursday and rose at the end of the week and then dipping Sunday, through midweek. Balling and not start when the team analyzed satellite data grid cells within an area further away from the coast, they found the same model, the rate of pollution drifting time-shift.

Although the study did not directly address the causal link, the volatility of comparable levels of air pollution side is clear communication points. The fact that coastal strength Hurricane information from 1945 to1996, followed a similar trend (instead of the statistical standard for each day of the week, as expected),confirm this hypothesis.

Baled said "really good is to understand the fact that pollution could affect rainfall." "We just had to look for evidence in the right place. Data from the hurricane,surprised the heck out of me. "

He said "we knew that cities have an effect on the local weather with urban heat islands, and so on, people are sure that we have a global impact, with carbon dioxide," Cerveny. "But nobody had never watched it in the interval between large-scale regional weather.


Water Pollution

Drinking water and abundant provides the basis for successful companies. We rely on clean water to survive, but now we are moving towards a crisis of water. Climate change threatening the lakes and rivers, and the main sources that we can use for drinking water is being contaminated by pollution or indebted.

Promote water efficiency strategies to help reduce the amount of water wasted;
  • ·         The protection of waters against pollution by the defence of the "clean water Act" and advocate solutions such as green infrastructure;
  • ·         Help in preparation of the cities and counties and States the challenges related to water which will face as a result of climate change; and
  • ·         To ensure that water courses have enough water to sustain aquatic ecosystems and vibrant.
  • ·         Protect clean water

Liquid waste flowing into water pipes

The dirty water is the greatest threat to health worldwide and continues to threaten the quality of life and public health in the United States. When water from rain and melting snow away roofs and roads in our rivers, they pick up chemical toxic, dirt, rubbish and bodies disease-bearing along the way. Also a lot of our water shortage protection base, making them vulnerable to pollution from factory farms and industrial enterprises, and activities like a pirate. This can lead to contamination of drinking water and degradation of habitat and close to the beach. And the work of protection of the waters against pollution of natural resources defense:

Relying on existing protections in the law on clean water "and is working to ensure that pollution control law applies to all courses of major rivers, including streams and wetlands, which provide drinking water we 117 million;"
Better protection of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, U.S. health and welfare, and
New limits of pollution for the higher areas, such as the sources of runoff and wastewater overflow problem.

Improve the efficiency of water use

Water-use efficiency
Despite the many pressures on our water resources, there are cost-effective solutions that will enable us to transform our relationship with water. To meet the growing scarcity of water in many places in the country, the defence of natural resources strives to encourage investments and policies that increase the efficiency of water use and reduce the waste of water, such as:

The adoption of reasonable standards for devices efficient appliances and buildings, irrigation;
Cost-effective support portfolio of facilities to help customers to save water and
Improving tariff structures save water and money.

Water and climate change

The dry landscape

Serious and repeated droughts in floods unprecedented, many of the most profound and direct impacts of climate change will be related to water. More than a third of all counties in the lower 48 States will be facing increased risk of water shortages before the mid-20th century as a result of global warming. Other impacts will include raising the level of the salt sea, damage to fisheries and thunderstorms are more frequent and more intense. Helping communities to prepare, NRDC is to create tools that help the public and Government officials to better understand and predict the effects of climate change at the State, County and city related to water. We are also promoting ways to reduce energy waste by collecting water is ineffective, processing and distribution.

Keep water ecosystems


Fish, birds and wildlife depend on clean water, all as people do. NRDC strives to protect and restore corridors aquatic important make sure there's enough water to keep the ecosystem healthy and effective. In the Bay of San Francisco-Delta, the largest estuary on the West Coast - we stop the unsustainable withdrawal of water threaten endangered species and their habitats through a variety of tools for dispute resolution. While we continue to restore the flow of water to the second largest river in California, the San Joaquin River. Through implementation of the restoration of the River colony of San Joaquin historical "agreement happened after 18 years of litigation brought by a coalition of conservation groups, led by the defence of natural resources fishing, regulation will restore the flow of water and enter


Land Pollution

Pollution of soils as a result of detritus, garbage and other toxins making contaminated land or contaminated. Pollution from the land comes from the human element as litter and waste are washed ashore boats oil platforms and sanitation. Is another factor contributing to this type of pollution is acid rain. Surface soil contaminated by the bad practices agricultural, mining and industrial waste are currently exploring analysis of pollution of soil, all organizations nonprofit such as the irthblatform and federal agencies such as the Office of pollution prevention and compliance assistance aukab. AUKAB works directly with the Agency of protection (environment) in a joint effort to monitor and help to clean human waste, industrial waste and agricultural waste.

On how you should be?

Disable excessive production of waste dumped in landfills or other sites of land for new construction causes land pollution. If the new building of the site, to be used for homes or offices or gardens, the effects of brownfields, can hurt. Contaminants may remain in the soil for hundreds of years, when the new construction is introduced in contaminated soil, results on human health can be toxic. Irthblatform research suggests that if left untreated, can cause this contaminated soil, health including cancer and congenital problems.

That you can do on the pollution of the Earth?

To safeguard our environment and the increasing pollution of land must be motivated by the inheritors of the Earth, grandchildren. What are our children if we treat poison attempt now? Exchange of persons-idea site, eco-friendly, 'save our environment', suggests these tips:

A man wearing a mask gas holding plant framed
Household waste or human-rather than of dumping human waste on landfills designated a large portion of our waste can be recycled or incinerated to reduce pollutants. The State and the federal Government need design and control on how better to treat garbage.

Insecticide, the agricultural waste must be used by farmers and plants with a more affordable price. If an insecticide option cheaper which is not good for the planet over more expensive ecological products, one who believes that they will choose? Governments and harmful pesticide manufacturers need to be more active in the development of pesticide at reasonable prices.

Kind of waste - the present industrial of waste comes from mines and mine complex using holes predetermined for the dumping of mining waste. Mining and other industrial wastes pollute the soil over a period of time, and again, it should be examined and applied rules and regulations concerning how to deal with industrial and mining waste.

You must join the Save-to deal with the human element of waste, the community waste reduction, waste recycling or reuse waste. Recycling of waste of our homes is as easy as the assignment of plastic containers, glass, metal and paper. Once the mixture of these types of waste, it is difficult to recycle. For example, you can turn food waste into compost for gardening and agriculture. Returnable glass, plastic, metal and recycled at the manufacturer level; However, if no material recycled in a single model, the effort failed.

Summary of pollution of soils

It is difficult in our world, a must-be-online world are wrapped in plastic and shipped in other countries with packaging contaminated and then lying without really thinking about how to influence on our Earth. Plant you early recycling campaign, the Governments the and federal and State to get instructions on the start of land conservation programs in your area. For more information on what is happening now, visit some of the sites listed in the above table. If you want to go a little further in your conservation efforts and see how plant life helps clean natural waste. Become a pioneer organization, people who are concerned about the pollution of the Earth that you can join for free and get updates by email on what's new in protecting our environment

Environmental Pollution's costs and benefits

Environmental costs - and benefits - of "cracker", which requires the dynamiting of the enormous quantities of water, sand and products chemical deep underground rock formations and are the subject of new research synthesizes 165 academic studies and government databases. The investigation relates to the effects of gases greenhouse not only, but for the crushing effect on local air pollution and earthquakes, in particular, the provision of clean water.

The authors are seven environmental scientists who are distinguished from the actual consequences for strategic decisions on people who live near the wells, as well as important questions remain.

Certain community extract more gas and oil because the cracker, "Stanford said environmental technologist Robert Jackson." who led the study The key to reduce environmental as possible costs, while maximizing the benefits for the environment.

Disintegration rising consumption of water quickly, at a time where many of us suffer from drought, but the natural gas extracted by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling and compares well with traditional energy sources, the study concludes. Cracker requires more water than the drilling of traditional gas, but when using natural gas instead of coal or nuclear power plant fuel, it allows to save water. Mining to generation, power coal is consumed more than twice by water generated from non-conventional gas not megawatt hours.

Application of non-conventional water drilling could be better or worse that alternative energies, the study concludes. Using almost no water solar PV, wind, emit no greenhouse gases, but cheap and abundant natural gas can limit the spread as new sources of electricity. On the other hand, requires less than 100 gas frakid water corn ethanol per unit of energy.

Effect of crushing, on climate change and the pollution of the local air similar to the impact on water study finds 'environmental costs and benefits of the cracker,"published in the annual review of environment and resources.

Go well fractured more intensely for the conventional oil and drilling, with potential health risks caused by increases in the volatile organic compounds and toxic substances in the air.

But when natural gas replaced coal as a fuel for electricity generation and the benefits to the quality of the air including the reduction of the CO2 emissions from coal and almost no mercury, sulphur dioxide and ash.

At the global level, despite the mitigating climate change are uncertain, the study concludes. He said "while reducing supplies of gas increased pollution air in American cities downstream from coal-fired electric plants, do not know whether they outweigh the methane from pipelines and platforms of operating losses decrease carbon dioxide emissions", said Jackson.

And concerns of contaminated drinking water in Eastern United States, concerns about the consumption of water for cracking. Gas and chemical products of homanmadi broken thousands of metres below the surface and rarely seep into the groundwater of drinking water, according to the study. The real threats are the inability to cover the wells more near the surface of the steel, cement, sewage disposal, the study also found. Numerous studies have shown that the covers fail between 1% and 10 percent time, according to the geology and the construction of the wells.

Was hotly debated in the case of contamination of groundwater, but a new study finds that the evidence indicates that there has been, if not common. He observed contamination of drinking water to other toxins - the different salts and arsenic and radioactive radium and other metal manufacturing made methane slowly? Researchers do not know yet. According to some recent studies can answer 'Yes' in rare cases.

How to occupy oil and gas, companies waste water-liquid used to break the rock that flows toward the top of the well, water with oil and gas shows the importance of the policies of the State. "The evacuation of waste water is one of the biggest problems associated with the hijacker," co-author Avner vingosh, Professor of Geochemistry at Duke University.

Most waste water cookie in the United States are injected deep underground, and an increasing number is recycled for further drilling or sent to treatment plants of water. A handful of States allow, waste, water used for watering livestock, sprayed on roads to control dust or sent for the drinking water treatment plants are not equipped to manage the chemical products concerned.

All bad ideas, according to a new survey, the authors who work at Duke University Massachusetts Institute of technology, Ohio State University, University of Newcastle, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Stanford University. A study, pointing out that the agricultural use of waste water cracker killed more than half of the trees close in two years.

Injection of deep groundwater presents its own problems, the study concludes. The practice sometimes caused earthquakes powerful enough to be felt by humans, while broken shale km below the surface, but rarely did so. Seismic risk can be reduced, however, if the energy companies, follow these basic guidelines and carry out careful monitoring.

Study highlights many of the policies and practices to improve the balance of the costs and environmental benefits of the pirate, it highlights the need for further research. For example, a direct impact on the health of the inhabitants of the neighbouring virtually non-existent. "Summer is almost no research on the health effects," Jackson said, "but decisions on approvals cracker manufacturing-drilling-ban all the time based on assumptions about the health risks."